
Structure of available care:

Full week 5 days up to 10 hours a day = £235.00 (£50.00 x 5 days = £250.00 a saving of £15.00 for the 5th day)

Daily Cost £50.00

Cost per hour (minimum 3 hours) £8.00

Lunch cost £3.00

Snack £2.00

We offer a pick up and drop off service between 7.45 -8.15 am and 4.00-5.00 pm for £8.00 ( £4 each way) within a 6 mile radius.

Cost for Club children:

Breakfast club: £7.50

After School Club 3.00-5.00y.p £15.00

3.00-6.00p.m £20.00

Holiday club is the same as usual nursery cost

Care is provided on the hour from 7.30 onwards

Full day available between 7.30-5.30 / 8.00-6.00

We will now be re calculating every customer’s costing in the nursery and there will be an opportunity for you to make changes if you wish. Whilst introducing these changes we will ensure that no extra charges are incurred to our existing customers. If we discover that the care is cheaper then your charges will be adjusted as soon as possible.

What are childcare vouchers?

If you work and pay for childcare, your employer might be able to help with some of your childcare costs. Childcare vouchers are one way they can do this. For more information go to

We currently accept the following Childcare vouchers:-
• Edenred (
• Saycare Pass by Sodexo (
• Computershare voucher services (
• Kiddivouchers (
• Cyngor Gwynedd 

If you use a different voucher scheme please let us know and we can arrange to join them.